Monday, 24 December 2012

...on holiday

The past few days I have been;

seeing my biggest brother and my sister in law who have come from Brazil to be home for Christmas (so exciting!)
meeting my little nephew for the first time and trying to talk to him in Portuguese (unsuccessfully)
wrapping gifts with doilies and lace
drinking mulled wine
eating fudge made by a dear friend 
trying to get our tree to stand straight (you can see it is still wonky)
taking the boy and his little friend to the Oceanarium
desperately trying to finish making a teepee (still not finished! Running out of time!)
making new tea infusions from &tea
meeting girlfriends for lunch and Secret Santa
hanging up Christmas cards
asking the boy what he wants Father Christmas to bring him; "a chocolate and a biscuit"
getting my husband's present so badly wrong, then having to change it (so bad!)
finding pine needles everywhere despite getting a tree that doesn't drop its needles, apparently
watching Christmas cookery shows-I love Nigel Slater's Christmas jumper
meeting an old friend for a mulled cider
singing along at the tops of our voices to the boy's current favourite song 'Tangled Up in Blue' by Bob Dylan
eating delicious pizza made by the husband
having Christmas discos in the kitchen with the boy
cleaning the house to get ready for our family arriving 

I love Christmas holidays!
Happy Christmas!
Maria x

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