Today has been the first day of my holiday's that I have had at home just to do my own thing. I have loved being with family and catching up with friends, but have also enjoyed having some head space and having the day to be creative. I started the day at pottery followed by a quick and very cold bike ride and then I came back and dusted down my sewing machine. I've been meaning to make a little case for my tablet since I got it, my brother gave me his neoprene case but it looked a little 'techy'. There are some lovely ones online but they are really expensive so I thought I would make my own.
It was very easy (Just a fabric envelope really) No zip or buttons
My sewing machine stopped working half way through and after an hour battling with the bobbin I decided old fashioned hand sewing would do.
Beach Material found under my bed
It is always a source of forgotten treasures (mostly stray socks)
I used the case as a guide for size and gave myself a large margin down the sides,
I should have given myself more room for the envelope flap (never mind)
You should probably measure and draw a line with fabric chalk then pin,
but I just pinned :) Make sure your clean seam is on the inside (I used the bound edge so I didn't have to hem the seam)
Closer look at the envelope
(imagine it reversed so the inside flap will be neatly folded over and about a 3rd of the top)
I think my seamstress Busy Bee needs a service (She was only very busy breaking)
Some chai tea and a few grey hairs later
(I took out the case and pinned it on the front so I could see where to sew)
When you have finished sewing the two sides - Trim the access material down the two sides and
fold it in on itself - ( To reveal finished case)
And whalllaaaa!
If you don't have a squashy case to cover you
could do this pattern but double sided with wadding in-between for protection.
What tips have you got for personalising your Tablets and iPhones?
Gem x
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