Thursday, 17 July 2014

Elbow deep in Batik

Maria and I had been swooning over this lovely batik hanging we found on pinterest for a while, and were convinced that this would brighten up a dreary spring day (before we had this amazing sunshine) We are never happier than when we are creating something and if it includes dye even better! I also have a twin who jumps on the train at a drop of a hat if we mention anything about a new project. We rely on her for her graphic eye.

We found our inspiration from this lovely Blog by kelli Murray's , have a look for her step by step tutorial.

Above image from kelli Murrays blog

Crafting on the bedroom floor is how we role (oh to have a studio) 

(We managed to sweet talk our art department to borrow one of their electric wax pots, but you can always use the hob!) 

All three of us have our hangings adorning our separate homes,
we were really pleased with the results. 

We are already searching for more summer holiday projects
Let us know if you have any ideas!

Gem x
(off now to jump in the sea) 

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