We spent our days cycling to the beach, singing silly songs, tasting the amazing local produce, making camp out of drift wood and laughing a lot, laughing so much there was a high risk of drowning in the sea. When night time came we cycled to the local tavernas in Principina a mare altogether on our rickety bikes, making sure we all got their safely or we cooked a massive feast and danced with watermelons.
The night I will remember most, was the night the owner of the farm kindly took us on a road trip to the most incredible town on a hillside, followed by a hairy twisting drive in a summer down pour of thunderous rain to Terme di Saturnia. We hesitantly stripped down to our cosies, our eyes searching in the dark for this magical place we could only imagine. Our noses being tickled by the sulphur of hot steam, our eyes cleared the mist enough for us to make out smiling faces submerged in water, bodies relaxing in the natural heat of the river. The sound of the waterfall 800 litres of water a minute fell from the hillside as we laughed some more and gingerly let our feet find themselves over the rocks readying for us to plunge into the natural springs, we stayed there till gone 1am in the morning, allowing the thunderous power of the natural springs to pummel our aching bike peddling muscles. I am glad we have no photos of this, just the memories off our laughter and surprise on our faces.
It was Bellisimo!
Thank you to everyone of you for making this a holiday with memories so funny I will catch myself remembering and laughing to myself like a mad women when winter comes .
See you next year our secret farmhouse under the Tuscan sun
I hope you've had a lovely summer and the memories keep you going when the rat race tries to win your thoughts over
Gem x
Gem x