Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Making Paper Mache Animal Heads

This project for some reason has taken us months to finish even though it really is very simple. During the rainy months of February, inspired by the ever interesting pinterest, we decided to make some Paper mache animal heads like the ones that adorn Anthropologie (But way out of our budget). We also had a lot of help from a certain little red haired boy who loves Peter Rabbit. And so Mr Todd and Tommy Brock were born. 

 Our inspiration (Image from Anthropologie)

We started of by making rough shapes with rolled up newspaper and tape

We worked out that the best paste was good old fashioned  flour and warm water, we dipped kitchen roll in the mix and added to our paper models 

To speed up the process we baked them in the oven on a low heat till they were slightly toasted

Beginning to take shape!

The final task was the painting. We finished Mr Todd this afternoon (Tommy Brock will have to wait for another day). We are all so pleased with how he turned out! The little guy wants to hang him on his door. Fine by us!

Would love to hear about your crafty endeavours this summer

Maria & Gem x

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