Wednesday, 31 October 2012

...finding vinyl treasure in the attic

My dad never had much vinyl (I guess with five children his money went elsewhere), but growing up there were a few gems he used to play on his massive two cassette deck, five cd, tuner, turntable monster.

My favourite was always Bob Dylan's Gospel; Bob Dylan's classics gospel style. I think he bought it for my mum, but I'm pretty sure we all though it was ours.

My dad moved house a few years ago and we thought these albums had been lost forever. But no! My big brother and me found them in the new attic the other day. Horray! We fought over who got what; Van Morrison, David Bowie and Simon and Garfunkel for him, and for me The Grateful Dead, Sex Pistols and my beloved Bob Dylan's Gospel. A happy day. Love you Bob.

Maria x

PS. Cannot wait to play this one to the little guy...

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