Thursday, 27 December 2012

..... Enjoying Christmas day!

I hope you have all had a very merry Christmas. It has been a lovely one. Just catching up with friends and family is so important; laughing, eating, drinking, singing catching up with old school friends and reminiscing. The weather has been bad, but it hasn't seemed to matter. It's given us an excuse to stop.

 And on Christmas day that's exactly what we did. We started the morning off by eating breakfast and catching the end of Gone With the Wind. I was overwhelmed with the lovely gifts and the love and carefulness of my pressies from friends and family. It's made me realise that I need to spend more time in 2013 with the people that mean the most to me. We decided that we wouldn't watch much TV this year and it made us slow down and enjoy each others company, playing scrabble and sharing presents, my sister received a lovely roberts radio so we enjoyed listening to Radio 4 and dancing around to songs such as Bob Dylan's It must be santa! We also had time to watch Wes Anderson's sweet film Moonrise Kingdom, the attention to detail is incredible. I have received the most amazing camera for Christmas and my 30th so watch this space for some more carefully captured memories. Here are a few candid snaps from the big day!

Contents of my stocking (your never to old) 
Beautifully wrapped presents from close friends
gorgeous handmade cloud pillow - Thank you maria xx

family games of scrabble 

Enjoy the last days of the holidays and hopefully get time to relax after the Christmas madness! 

gem x

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