Tuesday, 11 December 2012

...making a teepee!

Well, I'm not quite there yet! Hopefully it will be ready by the 25th...

For a while now I have been wanting to get the boy a play teepee. I absolutely love the ones made by House in Habit, but sadly the funds wont stretch that far. So I decided to make one myself to give him for Christmas. I found a really easy to follow tutorial on YouTube (see below), and went from there.

So far I have sorted the structure of it (well, nearly-there are a few bits and pieces to tidy up). It's quite straightforward, but time consuming; it took me a whole morning to get to this stage. Oh, and the tutorial says you need two flat king-sized bedsheets, but I got away with only using one. The poles are from a garden centre, and I got some cord from a haberdashery and tied it using a sort of figure of 8.

Next job is to decorate it. I have lots of feathers to attach to the cord at the top, and trimmings for around the top and the bottom. A little way to go yet. How many days have I got left?!
Maria x

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